Fred Evans / Echonetic / Blink Creations
Consumer Report


On August 23 Fred Evans came to my house and we discussed what he was going to do for my website and what content I needed to provide. I liked his product and signed a contract with him to provide a website, logo, and he even said he would make new business cards that I could print using a wholesale printing company that he uses. He then asked for the full payment which I wasn't too comfortable with but he appeared to be legit with many client websites of his work. He returned a few calls that I made in the very beginning but then would never answer. I did get a call back after sending a very nasty text message and he promised something but nothing happened. Then I sent another nasty text and he said he would have it by the end of the week. I waited until Sunday to check for any work on my site and still nothing. That was a few weeks ago and today Nov 8 still nothing. The only thing I got was a coming soon page that took him like 3 weeks to put up after asking him. It appears from what has transpired that he never had any intentions of doing the work. He has scammed another individual here on and I am proceeding with legal action as of this day. If you have been scammed by Fred Evans/Echonetic/Blink Creations please proceed legally by taking your case to Small Claims Court.individuals who STEAL peoples hard earned money in these difficult economic times need to be put out of business. He is nothing more than an invited thief in to your home. Please be aware of this scam artist!

Company: Fred Evans / Echonetic / Blink Creations
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Spring Hill
ZIP: 34609-0484
Address: 5259 Greystone Dr
Phone: 3525567047
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Echonetic BlinkCreation Blink Interactive Fred Evans
Consumer Report

Blink Creations
Fred Evans Did not meet contract requirements

Blink Interactive
Blink Creations Did not meet contract requirements

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