Consumer Report


I have 3 stocks that are behaving all the same way. You buy them they go down, you buy they go down again, buy more down again. Example:
ELRA is a penny stock, I think run by a Russian but on the American Stock Exchange. My recent experience is a BUY at 0.007 then it goes down to 0.005 I buy again at 0.004 it goes to 0.003. Now recently it went up to 0.006 and I wanted to sell, but now the bid offer 0.002, and ask was 0.006, impossible to sell, the stretch is 4 points intentionally so that we can't sell it even if it had gone up to 0.006, in any attempt it is a lose. Lose situation. What do you do with this people, they are controlling the stock in such a way that must be something wrong or illegal. Please help or advise, Thanks Onnik H.

Company: Elra
Country: USA
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