Consumer Report


Just like many ppl I was looking for an extra income to make ends meet... I only lost a really small amount but I feel really stupid! Thanks to a bit of research (all be it after the fact), I found out quickly it was a scam and rang my credit card company straight away and had the card cancelled so they couldn't take any further funds. I must say its a well put together scam I'm even signed up as an "amazon associate", before today I thought I was just a little bit smarter than this!

I am one of the lucky ones that didn't get taken for an amount of any consequence... Ive posted this so others are warned DON'T do it... If it looks too good to be true then it probably is!

Company: UWCOffice.com
Country: USA
Phone: 8882307531
Site: uwcoffice.com
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Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

AdvMetaBill / ExtMangoBill
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Universal Web Consulting
Creative Accounting The company took money without consulting me

Abraham Johnson/Delorus Phillips
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Amazon Seller Account
Amazon Amazon.com, seller polic) extortion

Derma Science
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