Specialty Technical Publishers
Consumer Report


My company's reception desk called me that I have a heavy box with my name on it. I went to the front to collect the box and it's contents.in the box are 2 manuals titled "Employment Law: A Comprehensive Guide for the American Workplace." On the invoice, my name and my OLD title/position, "Staffing Specialist." I've stopped working in that division of our company over 1-year ago. The STP represen-tative Babak Oshidary, " claims that he had a phone conversation with me, on 9/29, at 10:15am. Which I have absolutely no recollection of it taking place, nor was I in my office at that time. "Long and the short" of it I Googled this company's name, and "lo and behold" a laundry list of complaints of the very same scam by this very same rep!!! I will follow the recommendation to send this back via certified mail with an invoice for my expenses and then "sick" my company's legal consul on this schyster!

Company: Specialty Technical Publishers
Country: USA
State: BC
City: Nort Vancouver
Address: 10 1225 E Keith Rd
Phone: 6049833434
Site: stpub.com
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Speciatly Techinical Publishers
Consumer Report

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