Allu Skin Care
Consumer Report


I ordered their skin care lotion online. They advertised a special: the product was free, customers only had to pay for shipping. A few weeks later I received a charge to my checking account for $89.98! I called the company and they told me that I had agreed to pay that amount. That's a lie! Who the * would pay that much for 1.6 ounces of some obscure brand of face lotion? The doctor's name on the pyramid-shaped jar is Samir Bute, M.D. I'm sure he isn't even a doctor. Do yourself a favor and buy your beauty products at the store.

Company: Allu Skin Care
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
ZIP: 10017
Address: 415 Madison Ave 14/15 floor
Phone: 8775889583
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