Summitt Legal Group P.A
Consumer Report


In November we contact a law office to help us to modify our mortgage the law office of Summit Legal Group P.A. We were told that thay could have our mortgage done with in 24 to 48 hours and there price was $3,695.00 once we asked if that was needed now and thay said yes but don't worry thay have a payment plain where we can pay every two weeks in the amount of 500.00 every two weeks at that time there was two incomes in the house hold so we have call the office twice a week to keep in contact and never no good news so my husband and i thought that maybe thay will do it faster if thay had all of there monies so we paid them off 3,695.00 in full yes that hurted but we wount our home so i took the money from my life insurance to pay them off. Now i got sick and i was unable to work anylonger i was told i had colon cancer now one job is lost because i am unable to work. Now we are in jan still no help and very little contact from the lawyer's office when we do reach and talk with a real perso it was al ways a guy name solomon and he would say that all information was in and more information was needed now one job was lost also we did a hard ship letter now job two was gone my husband was fiffed after 20 years on the job dc. Goverment now things has really changed if we were paying 1695 amonth for mortgage and now we need help how can we pay 1595.00 a month since then time has moved on no help now we are calling and never no good news we was now being told which thay new ther was a very small income now in the house hold my husband received unemployment and i was receiving short term disabilty all that information was given to solomon still no help now we are in oct on friday 14th 2011 i spoke with solomon asking for a refund of our money he states that we would need to put that in writing to a mr William Odoul the laywer in charge and he gave an address and phone number for this person well much to my suprise no answer on the phone can't leave a message always full the letter was sent asking for our refund was returned no good address and now on wed 18 2011 we called solomon back to see if there was a nother number and to check the address again now he doesn't work there anymore and we can't get any answers from the people with the same number we was calling from day one nov

Company: Summitt Legal Group P.A
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Boca Raton
ZIP: 33486
Address: 1489 Palmetto Park Road, #494
Phone: 9548260472
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