Consumer Report


Joined for $1.99 for three days, opened the account and never went back. On friday opened checking account to find that they had taken $99.00. Called the number and was not pleasant with the person on the other end. He called his customer service and they said they could give me back $50 of the $99.00. What a scam, so for the extra 3 days that I had not logged back on I am paying a price of $49. I told them I saw nothing come up that said what it would be or to cancel, of course they can send it to me, what a joke. I told them to post my money back tonight, it will take up to 3 or 4 business days. "DO NOT" click on this site, what a way to take people for thier money. Most sites would ask you to join after thier trial, this company does not, you are automatically joined unless you call and cancel and it is not well documented that you do. Thought this would die after 3 days... Boy was I fooled!

Country: USA
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Consumer Report
Consumer Report

Hartford Auto Club
Only after the money

Colon Cure - NuBodi - Green Tea 500
Jacked my account after only 9 days! Not the 14 they state they give you
Consumer Report

Consumer Report
Consumer Report

I applied for a loan app. And then i did not even think to open the dumb email and about 3 days later 79.95 came out of my account. Then 3 days later again 79.95. Azle Texas
Work at home scam stole my money lied to me dishonest representation

Trugenix ripoff, disingenious