AbsolutleyNew Inc
I p & r the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me god!


To all interested parties,

My name is Stephen B. First, I must say that this is a little embarrassing. Before this experience I considered myself to be a person not easily fooled. I thought I had done my homework, but in high en site I should have dug a little deeper. The information I needed to make a better decision was there had I just been more diligent.in this day of the World Wide Web, its hard for anyone to hide for long from the bad things they've done.

As is afforded to all, per my first amendment right to freedom of speech, the following is a copy of the complaint I recently filed with the USPTO. It is my truthful account of my experience with the Invention Promotion Company currently know as AbsolutelyNew Inc. I'm not saying that this will be your experience if you decide to hire them, but unfortunately it was mine.

Company: AbsolutleyNew Inc
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Francisco
Address: 650 Townsend suite 475
Phone: 4158656200
Site: absolutelynew.com
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Absolutelynew Inc
The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me god!

Absolutely New Inc
IP&R A few dirty little secrets about Absolutely New that you should know about

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