Smash Clicks
Consumer Report


I ordered the trial for 5.95, before I received the product there was a charge on my visa for 89.95. Then this month they charged me another 52.91. I called the company and was told that they will continue to charge until I cancel. I cancelled and called my visa to stop any further payments to the company. Is there anything else that can be done.

Company: Smash Clicks
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Tampa
ZIP: 33607
Address: 3001 North Rocky Point Drive East, Suite 200
Phone: 8556264648
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Smash Clicks
Consumer Report

Smash Clicks
Consumer Report

Smash Clicks
Consumer Report

Boehm Ritter
Ripoff serious scam free trial impossible to cancel, charge to your credit card $49.95 ripoff

Smash Clicks
Consumer Report

Smash Clicks
Consumer Report

Wu-yi Source
Unauthorized charges

Charged my visa and did not send product

Smash Clicks
Consumer Report

Health Products, LLC - Natural Cleanse & Lipo Slender Green Coffee
Consumer Report