Ultimate Executive Travel, Philadelphia, PA
Consumer Report


Went to a vacation presentation in Valencia Ca, received what I thought was a 7 day cruise. I sent 255.00 and I got nothing. I did get a letter today asking me to fill out the another reservation request form. They have requested another 49.00 per person processing fee. I have already sent them a 59.00 processing fee. I feel pretty stupid! Live and learn!!!

Company: Ultimate Executive Travel, Philadelphia, PA
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Philadelphia
ZIP: 19149
Address: 6703 Kindred St
Phone: 2673433716
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Ultimate Executive Travel, Philadelphia, PA
Consumer Report

Worldwide Travel/Ultimate Executive Air/Ultimate Executive Travel
Consumer Report

Ultimate Executive Travel
Consumer Report

Ultimate Executive Travel
Consumer Report

Ultimate Executive Travel
Consumer Report

Ultimate Executive Travel
Consumer Report

Freelance Home Writers
Scam charges


Ultimate Executive Travel, Philadelphia, PA
Consumer Report

Ultimate Executive Travel, Philadelphia, PA/World Travel, Valencia, Ca
Consumer Report