Play To Win Sports
Billed my sister's debit account for $1920.00 after leading her to believe he meant $19.20. Rip-off!


To all others who were scammed,

I could not find your phone numbers, because this report only listed your first name and city. However I wanted to tell you that the same thing happened to my sister. She absolutely did not authorize $1920.00 in any knowing capacity. There is no grey area. Obviously, we are not alone.

I wanted to ask all of the rest of you to go to your local police department and ask them to file a courtesy report. Print out all 8 of these consumer complaints and attach them to the file. This report will then be sent to the Aliso Viejo Police Dept Fraud Division, to Sgt. Gary Smith, who assigns cases there. This is where Nick lives and works. The number to the San Clemente Sheriff's Dept in Aliso Viejo is (949) 770-6011. I talked to Investigator Boggs in the Fraud Division, and she said this was the process to follow. She was very nice.

The only way that we are going to put heat on this company is to pursue criminal charges. The potential charges include: Fraud, Extortion, Blackmail, Racketeering, Interstate Commerce Fraud, to name a few, many of which are Federal crimes which were committed across state boundaries. You may only file this police report if you can say cut and dried that you did not authorize $1920 (or more in some cases) to be taken out of your account.

Nick has engaged in blackmail now by calling my sister and trying to get her to say "Yes" to her working for them so he could record it on the phone. She said she was waiting to see if he was going to put back the $1000 he promised to refund her and then she would think about it. He said at @ 3:30 pm Eastern Standard time on Friday, April 9 "Well, it is strongly recommended that you work for us." This was the only condition under which she should be grateful to get half of the money back which he scammed her out of. I think this falls under about 3 or 4 of your classic mobster crimes.

I am asking all of you to cut out the grey area and cut out Nick's Used Car Salesman tap dance and cut straight to the meat of a black and white issue. Nick is making you feel like you are stupid and unethical for losing your money to him. What he is doing is wrong and we should prosecute. I know that none of you would have authorized these amounts of money to be taken out of your account for some "Startup Kit."

Also, if you have not gotten the flyers yet, it is imperative that you refuse shipment and have them returned so that Nick cannot say that you kept the goods so his "Tape recorded contract" is valid. The contract is null and void if it was made under false pretenses, which it was in every single case. Finally, please go to Barry's report, from Richardson, TX and follow the rest of the steps which he recommends there. Thank You.

Mt. Holly, North Carolina

Company: Play To Win Sports
Country: USA
State: California
City: Aliso Viejo
Address: 26895 Aliso Creek Road Suite B494
Phone: 9493609428
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