Lethe Skin Labs
Consumer Report


I tried to cancell my "free sample" order immediately after I finalised the entry and giving my card details as I had a funny feeling about the whole matter - it seemed too good to be true...
After sending numerous emails, I tried phoning as well, but as we are 10hr ahead in Australia, I had difficulty getting them during working hours. I unfortunately only managed to check my credit card statement just recently and to my horror saw there were three charges from them - 1st one, a day after the order and then two in August. I will now have to contact my bankers to change my card details. I am furious that they have managed to hoodwink me and cannot believe that a company like this continues to do business on the internet. They should be shut down and shammed for skamming so many people their hard earned money.

Company: Lethe Skin Labs
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
ZIP: 90001
Address: Clinton Street
Phone: 7754900056
Site: letheskinlabs.net
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Lethe Skin Labs Anti Wrinkle Henderson. Nv
Consumer Report

Lethe Skin Labs
OCEANEDGE SERVICES Rip Off - Auto Ship Plan - Negative Option Program - Stealing money from my Credit Card - Unauthorized

Lethe Labs USA
Consumer Report

Lethe Skin Labs
Consumer Report

Lethe Skin Labs Anti Wrinkle Henderson. Nv
Consumer Report

Lethe Skin Labs Anti Wrinkle Henderson. Nv
Consumer Report

Lethe Skin Labs
Consumer Report

Stages of Beauty
Free Sample

Freelotto is a ripoff wont cancell keeps charging my card even after changing card details?

Spicy Lingere
Extremely bad service / internet rip off california