Consumer Report


Hi Ladies, I too posted a complaint on here the other day concerning this company & how I felt scammed.

I ordered this 'Free Trial' offer too & have now been billed twice totaling to $173.77 & have only received the 'so called' free bottle.

Since early this week I have sent them emails & no reply. I have phoned the telephone numbers that they had on the 'Term & Conditions' & had no luck. But this morning I actually got to talk to someone in customer service & she has assured me my account has now been cancelled. The cancellation code I was given will be guarded for along while yet, lol. I am still going to cancel my credit card in case & I will never get sucked into these 'free trials' ever again.

PS: the telephone number I called this morning to make my cancellation was 02 9191 2787 i. E I did try this number a few times throughout the week & got nothing but I got through this morning.

The complaints from you ladies I have read so far has saddened me & I wish you luck on getting this all sorted once & for all.

Have a nice day,

Lisa (Coffs Harbour, NSW)

Company: Juveneu
Country: USA
Phone: 18668811138
Site: juveneu.com
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Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Ripoff... Charged my bank account $9.99 membership fee more than THREE MONTHS AFTER I had CANCELLED membership during the FREE TRIAL period

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Garcinia Cambogia Elite
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Straight2you Network
Straight2you ripoff billing my account 3 times in one month

I was promised and signed up for