Edward kruger / tommy mark
Consumer Report


This is from a series of emails back and forth between this scammer and my boyfriend, who posted a sailboat he owns on Craigslist for sale. This was a real person, wanting to BUY-not sell - so we didn't think twice about it being a scam. He sent many texts through Yahoo messenger, and sent a REAL check through the mail. The bank didn't warn that the check would not be "cleared" when the money was made available, so when it became available, my boyfriend moved forward to make the sale by sending money to the "shipping company" so they would come pick up the boat.
DIRECTLY AFTER receiving the moneygram, this "Edward Kruger" sent a text stating that the shipping company truck had been in a wreck and they needed more money to hire a new truck, since the original one was caught up in police reports, etc.
Needless to say, the check bounced and the bank account was drafted for the moneygram regardless, and the account wasn't protected from the scam because of such.

Date: Wed, 17 Aug 12:09: 59 0100
From: tommy4blessing07@gmail.com

Good Morning, I received all the emails sent to me and i really
appreciate it... But due to my shipping company policy i normally sent the money to them via western union money transfer and i will advised you go back to the western union stores and returned the money order to them and change it to money transfer and informed the western union agent that you want the money to be sent in a minutes money transfer..

I want you to go back there first thing this morning since my shipper
will be coming this morning immediately they received the money from

Here is the shipper information again:
RECEIVER NAME:=Edward Kruger
ADDRESS:=905 Corporate Drive
CITY:= mount pleasant,

Company: Edward kruger / tommy mark
Country: USA
  <     >  


Consumer Report

John Henry in collaboration with Daniel R. Coleman
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Elizabeth Wood
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Geraldine G Hamby
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Elizabeth A Wood
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Tommy4blessing07@gmail.com, drsteven000001@gmail.com
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Pedro Loan Services
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Forsyth Data Equipment Company

Payroll Services, dhinkleys@gmail. Co
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