Consumer Report


It started on January 25 with a phone call about how to make thousands with my own website and blog and get paid for doing blogs for other sites. As the time wears on and broken promises of a buyer to purchase my site and unfullfilled guarantees and promises, they come back and want to put more on my site because a prospective buyer wants to see banners and more action so I paid them more money by credit card, then there are more potential buyers and broken promises and guarantees, and it was very hard to get a hold of my account manager and anyone that was in the office. So now I come to find out after two weeks of phone calls and no return calls and noone answering the phones or emails, they have shut their doors and I am out almost $10,000 dollars and no website to speak of. There are several complaints now against this company for bad business and unfaithfulness

Country: USA
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Website work at home rip-off. Build your website for over $5,000... Pleeeese. We'll keep you busy is not true. I haven't seen one red penny

Classic House Furniture
Lies and broken promises

Chris Holmes - Roberta Holmes
Untrustworthy Scam, Rip-off and Untrustworthy! Internet
Consumer Report
Website design company incommunicado - Are they out of business?
Don't fall for it

Fathom SEO
Tracie Roberts, Thousands of dollars down the drain - contract promises nothing

Velocity Products
Empty promises from

Amazing Realty Deals - Ceo Alan Harris
Alan Harris, CEO Scams Realtors into believing that his company will have extensive TV advertising like the"Geico" commercial and Realtors will get leads from people that call in or log on to their website