Website design company incommunicado - Are they out of business?

Internet & Web

Most bloggers are passionate writers. So if you have a website managed by a website design company and one morning you wake up and cannot login to your account to write your latest blog post, you're going to get upset when you call the Customer Support line and keep on getting a busy signal. recently upgraded their AtomWord system so there would no longer be a delay when publishing changes to a site. Unfortunately, it looks like they couldn't get their act together, even after a press release touted the advantages and success of their latest venture. I've had my website since July and it cost me a pretty penny—$3,500. I should have never paid $760.00 for the bloggers to launch the site when I wound up doing it myself over a period of time or $1,499.00 for a fancy retrospect, I could and should have done the site myself on WordPress. I know I was extravagant, but the site looks good and it was easy to make changes using their AtomWord system. Who was to think that they would mess up the whole business.

Visit scam reporting blogs like xxxx and xxxxx and you'll get an idea of what happened. Toward the end of August after all their customers were forced to use the new AtomWord, stopped answering phone calls and emails. I got that awful feeling in my stomach that the company had gone out of business. I had only just signed and faxed them a contract giving them permission to manage my domain and charge $39.99 to my credit card account. At least the domain is registered under my name and I should be able to take possession of it. However, all that work setting up the blog posts, web pages and advertising layouts is probably down the drain, and I have to decide if it's worth it to put together another website. There must be scores of customers who recently purchased their website design package and will never be able to run their websites using their now defunct account. For them, the company principals Reza Akahvan and Kyle Winn (aka Bert Winn) literally took their money and ran. Maybe they just couldn't make a go of the business and weren't making a profit. But why couldn't they just make a simple announcement that they were closing the company. Naturally, they couldn't because irate customers would demand the return of their money. Word to the wise: Don't build a website through a website design company because you won't have access to your admin dashboard to make changes to the site if they go out of business. Learn WordPress or pay someone to build you a WordPress website, then you'll always be able to access the dashboard. Lesson learned.

Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 4451 E Oak
Phone: 18772051750
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