Consumer Report


Wirefly are LIARS & CHEATS! Via Sprint, I & the 2nd line on my acct. Were up for an upgrade. I picked out a phone that w/discounts was $0.00, & another phone that was SUPPOSE TO BE $0.00 ALSO! However, after these wise guys sent me an authorized Invoice with order # Tracking #, they sent an email to urgently call them about my order, same day about 4 hours later. I called them & they went into this song & dance, that only the 1st # on acct. Could get a Free phone. So they wanted me to authorize them to ADD $79.99 to my Cr. Card! I said hell no, I have an Invoice in front of me from your company that both phones are $0.00 dollars which is FREE! They said; Well our sales team didn't catch that part. I said; Both my lines are eligible & both phones should be Free, otherwise I could have just went thru Sprint & bought the phone!!! They persisted I must authorize the charge & I adamantly refused & finally told them to Cancel Everything & stick it up their rear ends! So due to a promotion thru my Bank rewards cash back program, I lost out on a $50.00 rebate & a Free Android phone. This Wirefly company LIES and tries to Scam you into authorizing more money on your Credit Card, & a less savvy person may have fallen for it, but not I. Do not buy from them, because they will try to get money from you one way or another, if they say it is FREE, ask yourself this: is it really Free... NOT!!!
I am signing my real name because I am very (Inappropriate Content Removed) at Wirefly & am sending a registered letter to the BBB & report their false advertising & scams!!! Lisa C.

Company: Wirefly
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Reston
ZIP: 20191
Address: 10790 Parkridge Boulevard, Suite 200
Phone: 8005529000
Site: wirefly.com
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BEWARE: Looking at carriers phones while logged i = DISASTER on credit reports

So Upset

Wirefly misrepresentation cost me $ - services

Com Defrauds Me of 2nd Line Upgrade St. Louis

Misrepresentation cost me $

Wirefly InPhonic ripoff Rebate Scam-BEWARE!

Rip off on family plan and phones

Never get my $15 back!

False advertising., bait and switch