Detective Magic
Consumer Report


Company claimed it could provide employment verifications and background checks... No custommer service only automated email responses... Product not as described... Only provides other webcites
that cannot be accessed to run checks

Company: Detective Magic
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Manchester
ZIP: 06040
Address: 17 McKinley St
Phone: 8606451240
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Detective Magic
Consumer Report

Net Detective
Misleading and Ripping Off Consumers ripoff

Harris Digital Publishing Group
The company advertise that criminal background checks can be conducted with its net detective software. This is false advertisement ripoff - Detectives Plus
Net Detective the information they give you about background checks before you buy is nothing like what they have after you've paid for it it's a total rip-off i can get more info off the internet for free

Verifications, Inc
Your Private Employee Data is at Risk Including, Pay, SSN, ETC

Pre-Screen Inc
Sent hoax e-mails requesting that I submit information for a "background check" related to a job application pertaining to a client

Detective Magic
Consumer Report

Harris Digital Publishing
Fraud, Net Detective is Not as promised. You won't find out 'til you pay!

Web Detective
False advertisement, claim to have access to canadian backround checks, when in fact does not. C

Verifications, inc
Verifications company reports false information, concerns not fixed internet