Consumer Report


I started ordering their produccts sometime in May, waited for a month for the ordef to come but it never happen. I try to contact them and they said they will find out whats gone wrong with my order why i did not received them. So far they have taken money out from my account since May, and i only found out recently that they have taken at least 150 pounds in total. What shall i do i did try to contact them again and they told me the same story. Shall i call my bank and stop all the transactions. Please help..

Company: Hydroxatone
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Jersey City
ZIP: 07303
Address: P.O. Box 9300
Phone: 8006722259, 8886214043
Site: hydroxatone.com
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Scam, will steal yr money, rude employees

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Hydroxatone & RLSkincare
Consumer Report

Ashley Furniture Home Store
Ripoff sells junk and doesn't honor warranty!

I order a sample of thi Hydroxatone at4.97 s.H. When it got here it was 141.99.. How to I stop this now... They said it would be 4.95 for a sample and when it got here it was 141.99.. This is very wrong. I want something done now

Prefferedshoppersedge took 19.95 2 times a month for a year and i never authorized not even one time

Set me up with wrong type of chequeing account

Consumer Report

Consumer Report