U.S. Search
Consumer Report


I authorise 0.95 for a discount seach when i check my bank statement i saw that us search had taken out not only the 95 cent they also took $1995 out of my bank account without my authorisation

Company: U.S. Search
Country: USA
State: California
City: Culver City
ZIP: 90230
Address: 600 Corporate Pointe, Suite 210
Phone: 3103026300, 8008773272
Site: ussearch.com
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Search Engine Sniper Review - Backlinknuke Review It Is A Scam
These websites run by casey costello are both scams

Grant Funding Search
Com - Grant Funding Search Sell a CD for a one time price, or so they said, and then take $69.95 out of bank account each month

Review Dollars.com
Consumer Report

Disney Channel
Disney test - MacBook Air Laptop

Unauthorized charges

People Search.com
These people are working with Clic bank and they have my phone# on line giving it to people which are calling me for a refund I don not know anything about this place other than I had to get my money back

REI review and complaint - Customer Service

Ripoff, I am charged 9.95 by a company that has no webaddress or physical address! Its a search engine! Internet based

Bank of America
Reviews - Customer Services

MyLifeReunion-Search accessed my bank account through PayPal and charged my account $47.85 for an unsolicited "subscription"