Platinum Online Group SavingsPay99 redopsit
On Aug. 1 they took out $99.49 out of my checking account. I called them on the 2nd, and the lady at that time said they had to wait for the transfer of money out of my account. When I called my bank Internet


This company took $99.49 out of our checking account, saying they had a pre-approved check. But the numbers on the check are way to high to be my checking account numbers to begin with. I called this company and the lady said she cancelled my account, but my money wasn't showing up there yet.

When I called my bank to see what it was and what the company name was. They told me the money had been transfered already. Now today 13 days later the company, says they still haven't received my money, and it would take 15 days to return my money. This is out and out fraud,

Something needs to be done about this company, and they said the person that okay'd this on my account had initials RN. Still have no idea what this company is or does. I don't give my info online or the phone.

Company: Platinum Online Group SavingsPay99 redopsit
Country: USA
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They got me too for $139.00 out of my checking account

Platinum online group
Brown took 99 dollars out of my account without my authorization!

Privacy Matters 1-2-3
Took money out of my checking account without authorization

Platinum Online Group
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Demibox / Alliance Network
Consumer Report

Membership Plus
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USA Credit
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Freedom GLD
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Company took unauthorized funds from my checking account $39.95

Withdrew $84 from my checking account. I never authorized ANYBODY to take money out ot my account