Consumer Report


This happened on 3/18-6/3

BidRack has ripped me off!!!

…I am disabled and I am poor... I don't anyone to feel sorry for me. These are just the facts…and all of the stress is causing me to have more intense pain, and anxiety…In fact, I had to start taking a new pill because of all of the stress this is causing me. I take enough all ready.

They keep telling me to be paitent. It has been shipped. (the shipping number that was given to me was for actual SHIP!!!)

My items according to Bidrack were in China and were being loaded onto the ship..

Next after numerous tries through the email thing they have, I to get them to give me a real answer to what was going on. I tried that for a couple of weeks..

I have been trying to get them on the phone from the beginning of my troubles. Then, I FINALLY was able to talk to a REAL person!!! Hurray, I thought..

But no

.. It was more of the same garbage that they have been telling me in the messages. That made me so angry. At that point I asked to talk to a Manager! I was by this management told me that my items where now in the United States of America now…. But they don’t know when I will receive them…

I waited and wrote to them. Numerous times. Trying to find out when I was going to get my items. I already missed being able to send two of my grandchildren birthday presents because I had they were in my order on bidrack! I cried a lot. And I still do. Why? Because I have missed 2 more grandchildren's birthdays since then. And still no presents because they were also they were some of the items that I never received.

My items didn’t cost very much… but then I don’t have much, I am on SSI (I am a 55yr old woman, with chronic severe pain, with neuropathy in both feet and lower legs and I am not diabetic. It was caused from severe arthritis in my spine and spinal stenosis) on top of all of that my husband was wrongfully terminated recently and won in court…so he gets his unemployment... So that makes money even tighter for us. The government takes more out of SSI check thank they did when he had a job... So in a way I am being punished because my husband lost his job... (that is another case LOL)

So now we have even less money than we did last year. Things keep going down hill for us.

I was so excited when I won my items… I thought that I was getting part of Birthdays and Christmas shopping done for my 14 grandchildren. I thought that I was going to be able to give them a little nice gift than usual (usually a couple of things from a dollar store for each…or something that looks new from a yard sale or second hand store) But now. It looks like they may have even less….

I have saved all of pages of messages from the complaint center (I saved the entire pages) and I saved all of the pages of the items that I won showing the picture of the items and the bidding that went on for the items… the only thing that isn’t saved is the telephone conversations with these people…

I feel like a fool….. I felt that hey, I received the first couple of items…. So they will send me the rest of them…. Wrong!!!
I am the fool

Company: BidRack
Country: USA
State: Delaware
City: Wilmington
ZIP: 19808
Address: 2711 Centerville Road, Suite 400
Phone: 8002386195
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