W media, verizon telephone company and yahoo.com
Consumer Report


Meet Larson Edward on a BBW dating site. We exchange email and Mr Edward stated his subscription to BBW was running out and want to continue our correspondence through Yahoo.com. I set up account NJVONVON@yahoo.com and email mailed Mr Edwards at LarsonEdwards360@yahoo.com. We continue to email each other. The relationship was in high gear. Mr. Edward talked about going to Malayshia for a government contract and was presenting his project on 7/19 and if excepted $3.37 million dollars I would share and our life together would be so happy and I would not have to continue work 2 jobs. The relationship I was current into for 15 years was not working out

Mr. Edwards present his project and won the government contract in order to receive 3.37 million dollars must receive 10 document which cost $10,550 dollars. Which he stated his banks account with Chase and Bank of America have been frozen. We discuss how could a business man like yourself not go to another country not prepare. Kept pressing the issue did research regarding the documents received regarding the contract. We did a 3 way call with Bank of America. Suggested to contact Bank of America in Malaysia and fraud unit to help getting the 10 documents. Pressure to get the 10 documents I took out a pension loan and used our paychecks to help Mr. Edwards in receiving the 10 documents. Now I ask for the money to be return and no reply or money.

Company: W media, verizon telephone company and yahoo.com
Country: USA
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Microsoft Barr Edward Clark
Stay away

Denis Beauregard
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Finbank plc
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Mrs. Juliet Edward
Benefactor letters have stooped to an all-time low using religion as the lure.internet

Yahoo Inc
Directory Submission Fruad charges and no way to get the details revert back

Yahoo-inc.com (aka Yahoo Personals)
Yahoo! Personalyahoo-inc.com (aka Yahoo Personals) ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing California based company

Yahoo Classifieds
Rip-Off ripoff

Xmas Bonanza Lottery

Dating stie
14/15 guys are scammers on be2

Consumer Report