This company's motto is that if you don't like it... Get out. Jason Profetta calling employees studdering p


This company supports the actions of guido Jason Profetta, sales manager of the Tempe office. The self-proclaimed protected "pimp" management employee, subjects his employees to sexual inuendo, both straight and homosexual, calls employees names like studdering p*ck and forces techno and rap music on his employees with constant vulgar language. Not a sentence is finished that does not include an F-Bomb or "take it deept" and his favorite way to release an employee from his employ is by text message. They talk a good game but this is not a professional company or a company that will offer a stable environment. It's bad enough that he treats the guys this way, but if you are a woman - don't expect to be around long. Either you'll be push out or you will be throwing up at your desk.

There are various EEOC claims on file in Arizona and I expect to see more over the next year. Upper management with Fleetmatics has been notified repeatedly of the offenses and yet nothing has been changed in that office.

DO NOT WORK FOR FLEETMATICS! They only value the money in their pockets and if they keep going down this road, they won't make it to IPO and they won't have any money in their pockets either!

Company: FleetMatics
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Tempe
Address: 9180 S Kyrene Rd
Site: fleetmatics.com
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Jason Profeta Jason Profeta Fired in An Attempt to Quiet EEOC Claims and Sexual Harrassment Suits


Sexist and treats employees like sh

This company treats women completely unfairly, they are verbally abusive, and I knew it was ply a matter of time until they were caught

FleetMatics Chicago Web
Sales Manager Continuous Threats To Keep Your Jo

Chorne Racist, Anti-semetic, Criminal, Pedophiles

Web Manager unincourgable, un helpful

Jerry dyas women not welcome at fleetmatics!

Fleetmatics - Jerry Dyas
FLEETMATICS / JERRY DYAS JERRY DYAS Manager of the Year with FLEETMATICS 25 plus years MEMBER of the CHURCH of SCIENTOLOGY &possible TOP management associated with the CHURCH

Poor working enviroment and harrassment