Consumer Report


I heard of this website through my brother he said he had been watchin it an looked pretty cool well i dont have hardley any money comein n an i dont have a computer i have to go use someones so when he called an said 1saleaday had a small computer for 69.00 i was like wow i spend that n gas looking 4 a computer 2 use so i bought it i got tha computer an i doesnt even work ive been 2 a computer man an he said tha program on it is so old it cant even handle getttn on tha internet much less doin anything on it but tha site says this netbook can run facebook email utube an web browsing. I am crushed im a single mother of 4 an have a grandbaby 2 take care of an Im disabled I got hit by a towmotor at my job n 2004 an i cant work anymore an they wont give me my disability so im living on pennies an now i get scammed i called tha number i found on my bank account an its just a recording no matter what u do it says tha same thing PPLLZZZ if u can do anything God will surelly bless you he says do not hurt one of his!!! Thank you so much Vickie Conley my number is (Personal Information Removed) if u can help me at all thank you

Company: 1SaleADay
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Brooklyn
ZIP: 11208
Address: 471 Cozine Avenue
Phone: 3475293434
Site: 1saleaday.com
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Antivirus System Pro/Magic Software Inc
Hijacked my computer and want me to buy their software to fix it

Ais Pc Care
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Computer Personalities
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Consumer Report

Susan Calbern
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My Money is gone and my computer has not been the same since downloading Antivirus08

Valley World
Sold me an bootleg computer, with fake windows xp cd key, Union St

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Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Consumer Report