Consumer Report


When attemtping to go onto a website that i have been to before a new window poped open. (Popup Blocker is on Max) That seems to be the trick these days. A normal window is called for instead of a popup or a modified window that has no toolbar on it. Anyway
The address is this here.
Http:// P=238&param4=
If entering just the address dot com. You will get a blank webpage. The first part of this new window that opens has a popup already. It advise you your a winner of a yet to be taken survey. A timer is counting down. You will be given 1 of 3 prizes, A Iphone 4g -or - $500.00 cash card -or - 16gb Ipad2 G for this survey. Once the first popup is closed the second window you are shown has a timer. It ask 3 basic questions if not answered before the timer runs out, its over presumably. After that the next window also has a timer running. Heck all the pages had timers counting down.
The next page asked for verification that you have not taken the survey or been given anything yet. Name email and cell phone number. The next page appears its asking to verify your cell phone. A 4 digit pin will be sent and you need to enter that pin in orer to proceed. Without it you wont go further. With the timer getting shorter. The text arrives with the 4 digit pin and a small statement declaring this is going to cost me 9.95 month. And i agree to it by entering the 4 digit pin. The next page with the timer running down. There was about 90secs. Left. Quickly I looked for anything that might lead to the Terms and conditions. The found them in (clickable words) and opened a new window outlining their intent to rip me off until they feel satisfied or im in debt to my cell carrier so much the ask for a deposit the size of a down payment on a house. The timer is still running down and there is no possible way to read enough of this to find out if its legit. I did not enter the pin number. But its still posssible they have gotten there meat hooks into me. Im afraid to use the cancellation code. Its possible by doing so that i would be presumed i had enterd the 4 pin to verify

IM sure you have figured this out by now. The timers are intended to create a need to hurry or you wont get what there giving away. SInce this was on a site i frequent and trust (Not anymore). Along with each prize shown0 There is an quanity of each left belowthe picture. All were less then 10 and one had 3 left. I let the timer run out and read on. It reads like a nightmare come true.
Theres no way this can be legal and still function properly. It says at the top of the terms and conditions page to read the whole contents of the T&C ( carefully before going any further.
Its safe to pull up the webpage by the link provided. I opened several before proceeding to see how it functioned.

Company: The
Country: USA
Phone: 8557070166
  <     >  


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