Consumer Report


I was on line, paying a card game. I recived a message frome some one befriending me. So I accepted. This begain in oct. 2010. He would come on every day around 7pm my time and we would chate on yahoo messager. At frist it seem to be a nice preson just looking to chate with some one on line. We did this every day, talk about family and things we like and didlike. Then he e-mail me that he was taking a job in Nigeria and would be gone for a while. But he would keep in contack. This was in nov. 2010 a week went by and I did not hear from him. Then someone call on my phone. It was him I ask how you get this number, he said I gave it to him but I don't rember giving him my number. We begain to talk again most of the time in the evening because he said he was working. Now we are into dec he said his job would be up in april and he would like to come meet me. I said that sound ok. So when april came up we had been talking and by now he had lead me to think he wanted to be more than friends. And it would be a good thing for us to meet. So then doing one of our talks he said my job is up next week and I would like to come see you. But he could not cash the check he had be paid there. So he needed 200 dollers. And for me to wair it to him. So I did. Well he had to pay the motel bill befor living so he had to use that on the bill and could I send 500 dollers this time due to he needed the 200 he had to spend and he needed 300. More to get some food and other things for him and his son. That was sent. He got in a car accendent and needs 500 more to pay the bill, sent then this kept going on with one thing are anther. All in him and his son coming to meet me. Now we are in june and july and he can never make it to the plane. Or if he does he needs more money because of taxs. That got added on. Just last month I sent him another 200 to get on the plane. He and his son got in an accendent this time now he needs another 500 to pay hospital bill so they will let them out. When I counted up my rescepts I had sent $2,400. Oo dollers. And no one has show up yet. But I look up how I could reprot this preson. And maybe it will save another woman from being used in this way. This preson is on Yahoo messagesing as Billy Waller. E-mail

Country: USA
State: California
City: Sunnyvale
ZIP: 94089
Address: 701 1st Avenue
Phone: 4083493300
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Consumer Report

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