Home Choice Household Service Plans
Dishonest Staff, Not Honoring Terms & Conditions


I purchased a new warrantee and was informed that no claims would be covered in the first 30 days, but that full coverage would start as soon as those days were up—which we understood and were fine. Six weeks later the A/C unit went out, so we submitted a claim, only to be told that there was a new policy in place that no claims were covered for days 0-30 and only $200 would be covered between days 31-60. Nowhere is this in the service agreement terms and conditions.

Based on the info in the agreement, we should have been fully covered, yet they refused to cover more than $200 and would not even discuss the discrepancy between their written terms and conditions and what was repeatedly parroted in the many hours I spent on the phone trying to find out why the repairs would not be covered. I even sent back to them the official service agreement I received from them and they just called it a clerical error on their part, refused to acknowledge the misrepresentation of the policy by their sales staff and legal documents, and told us we were SOL even if we waited until after the 60 days to have the repair done.

This was blatant misrepresentation of the policy terms and disregard for the service agreement. During our many conversations with company representatives they would cite particular elements of the terms as justification for refusing coverage while ignoring the other aspects of the terms and conditions that actually indicated that our repair should have been covered, in the end, relying on the unwritten policy as their ultimate justification regardless of the official written terms and conditions.in addition, none of the phone numbers provide resulted in contacting anything other than a voicemail box for 18/20 calls, and no voicemails, or emails, were returned. It took me 2 days to get a person on the phone.

Company: Home Choice Household Service Plans
Country: USA
Address: 320 S. Flamingo Road, #338 Pembroke Pines FL 33027
Phone: 8883471708
Site: homechoiceplan.com
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