Michael Bateman
Mike Bateman Deadbeat father, failed to pay child support for past three years, broken promises


Michael Bateman, born and raised in Sebring, FL has failed, for the past 3 years to make any child support payments or to even bother to contact his daughter. Before he abruptly fell off the face of the Earth he had made numerous promises to his then 12 year old daughter. Promises, that when broken, left her heart broken and crying and on the point of suicide. As she told me, "There must be something wrong with me if my own father can't love me." (I did take her to counseling to help her through this situation.)

He has managed to get away with these crimes with his family's help. His brother's own a company call Bateman and Son's Construction, and while I have no physical proof that he working under the table for them, I do believe he is based on a newspaper article. He and his brother Eddie were in a car accident while "leave the job".

Company: Michael Bateman
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Sebring
Address: Sebring, FL
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Brian Annamanthado
Deadbeat dad - loser of the year

Child Support
Failure to collect child support you should be able to sue for them failing to collect your child support

Mark C. Bellow
Owes over $10,000.00 in child support for autistic disabled daughter, dishonest, doesnt contact daughter, hides, moves alot, changes jobs

Emily Lewis
Emily Marie Lewis, Emily Bateman, Emily Marie Bateman, Emily Marie Bateman Lewis Drug addict, Liar, Munchausen by proxy, herroin addict, loser, criminal, child neglect, IV drug use

Emily Bateman Lewis
Emily Bateman Dead Beat mom trying to get child support for three kids she isn't even raising. Lying, Drug addicted, criminal with no reguard for her childrens safety

Raymond Slekes
Dead Beat Dad

Child Support Div. Bradley Michael Hodge
Dead beat father ripoff

William Collazo Jr
Dead beat dad and spouse has not paid child support to his three year old for more than a year

Emily Lewis, Emily Marie Bateman
Emily Marie Lewis, Emily M. Bateman Lewis, Emily M. Lewis Liar, Criminal, Drug Addict, Bad Mother who neglects her three children

Michael M. Ware - Mike Ware
Deadbeat bum