Consumer Report


In order to buy Bids, I had to buy a Book of Bids for $60.00. This book had 175 Bids. Well you would bid on different prizes, like Apple I Pad2 and Sony Tvs. Well I found out in a hurry what a scam this was, when I checked my Wells Fargo Credit Card statement, it showed $99.00. So Icalled them and said I did not authorize $99.00 and they said they can not give refunds. So I continued to call them aboujt refund and scamming me and they said you have to watch closer who you do b usiness with. So then I went and Bid and I found out in a hurry again, what kind of a company they were operating is I won a Apple I Pad2 and there came a notice that I did not win and they gave it to another bidder. I again called and they said they can not do anything about that, it was a simple mistake by their operations. So that showed, if you raise a lot of hell they will give the winners to who they want and not the original winner. So I agree with the other people who are complaining. I want my money back.

Company: BidRack
Country: USA
State: Delaware
City: Wilmington
ZIP: 19808
Address: 2711 Centerville Road, Suite 400
Phone: 8002386195
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