Consumer Report


I ordered their free trial and found I had cancer and sent it back un opened as soon as it came. Since March 3 or about they since have sent 6 more orders to my home and each time I send them back as return to sender un opened. They have billed my Credit card six times. They did not even wait a month between sendings. They billed me 6 times within 2 months. They did take one off of my credit bill, but have not taken the other 5 off. If they accepted one of the returns that should have told them I did not want them. I have to keep paying interest on almost 400.00 each month. What can I do about it. I talk to them one time on the phone and they said they would take them off, they did one, so I call them a second time and they said they would have to talk to someone about it, now I can not get on the phone with them, they are to busy for my call. I have no money to go to a lawyer.

Company: LeanSpa
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Branford
ZIP: 06405
Address: 420 E Main St Ste 8
Phone: 2034882558
Site: leanspa.com
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Consumer Report

Will not refund money that should have not been charged

Offered a 30 free trial. Only to find out it was really a 14 day trial. Trial starts on the day you order, order on the weekend order does not ship until the 24 hours after the next business day

Pure Berry Max
Consumer Report

Leanspa.com LeanSpa is a REAL Scam

Premier Family Services
Would not refund money

Allied Publishers Service
Of mid atlantic states they like to make you think that you get this easy no problem deal on magazines ripoff

MBM&F -Acaiaslim Dri*Acaiaslim Fraudulant & Scam Co. Rip Off Your Credit Card Over Bill
MBM&F -Acaiaslim Dri

Free trial scam - LeanSpa with ACAI

I ordered Leanspa Acai March 5 for $4:95 sample to be deliverd within 48hrs - I tried calling leanspa with no response on two separate ocasions for 40 minutes each time my sample has not been receivd