Consumer Report


They called to offer prescripton for $110.96. Said they would call back in 5 minutes with an order ID number and a toll free number. Never called back.
Checked my bank account.
They charged 7 Transacation for $100.00each. Bank Charged $112.45 Over draft fee. My account now shows negative.
Going to the bank to cancel my debit / credit card. But now I am broke till money is returned. New Card to be issued 7 to 10 days, but won't help since all my money is gone.

Company: EForca.com
Country: USA
Phone: 18774792455
Site: eforca.com
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Tea Life
Charged my debit card for products not ordered

WC Value Plus
Sold Magazines but never recieved them

Compass Bank
To start Compass ATM machine ate

Ripoff! Keep Debiting my account! Would not give me my money back!

Chase Bank
Given wrong information by ATM services representative

Barmensen Labs Inc
Offered free sample, charged my debit card

I was charged 25.90, did not have permission and my bank will not do a thing about it. Nothing is free! Free credit report my a!

Account Now
META BANK fraud, don't have your own routing number or account number, hard to use to pay bills

Dazzle White
Free Trial Ripoff

Amcore Bank
Around 355 dollars in NSF Fees when we had money in the bank