Epoch 800-893-8871
Consumer Report


So I woke up on the 3rd of July to text message alerts from my bank saying my account was below my $30 alert balance. So i log onto my account and see a bunch of random charges, a couple for 2 dollars, a couple for 3 and then one for 140 dollars. Confused since i had never heard of epoch i started googling, the companies reputation is not good, now what im confused about is that i don't make online payments and i don't shop online i shop in-store specifically for reasons like this, and yet all the money i had left in my account [thank god i had made a large withdrawal earlier that day, my bank [chase] says they'll work with me to get the money back once it's charged and no longer pending, although we'll see how that works...

Company: Epoch 800-893-8871
Country: USA
Phone: 3106645700
Site: epoch.com
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Epoch 800-893-8871
Consumer Report

Epoch 800-893-8871
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Rand @ Epoch Dot Com
Rand @ Epoch Dot Com Scam - EPOCH dot com, owner - Rand, unauthorized billing, unlawful porn billing company

Consumer Report

Epoch Billing
Epoch online processing ripped me off for $4,000.00. Unknown memberships for four years

Epoch.com nailed me in the bank, Florida

Epoch 800-893-8871
Consumer Report

Epoch ete etc CHASE Bank (VISA) caught this before I saw it on my statement. These people have billed me at least 5 time for $29.98 and I have no idea what for! Fraud!