UK Lottery Mrs. Julia Smith. Online co-ordinator
Attention: Email Account Holder, send me fraud emails uk lottery winner uk


Received 2 emails in 3 months from UK National lottery stating I won online lottery of massive amounts.

Luckily the previous mail I notice when they ask for money I add one and one together and ask questions. They send me 3 diff bank account no to deposit their handling fees in $580.00 R6000ZAR because I am a "Foreigner" and they have to tax. He even phone me from UK to find out when can we finalize because he have to go to court to claim my money. I raise the question if this is a scam he got upset and said why did i choose him to represent me if I not trust him. They assign him to me. I do have all the documents from the prev case.

Company: UK Lottery Mrs. Julia Smith. Online co-ordinator
Country: USA
State: Florida
Phone: 448447743168
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UK National Lottery Foundation (Awards Department)
Beware - this is scam!

Online Lottery Society (lottery scam working out of Great Britain)
Consumer Report

Uk National Lottery
I got an email advising that i had won 250,000, this was the day after I had played genuine lottery online. It is a SCAM. A mean one ripoff

British National Lottery Online Promo
Lottery scam!

Superior Lottery
Ripoff they said that I was a lottery winner but they only wanted take my money

This scam has two parts: 1 f.B. I. Agent/2 lottery agent
Consumer Report

UK National Lottery
Lottery scam

A Scam on the UK Lottery Online Only

Worldwide Express Logistics Ltd
Uk lottery fraud

Online lottery promo Board UK
They say I have won