Stub Hub
Horrible customer service - stubhub customer service


The company sent my payment for tickets I sold to a nonexistent paypal account after I had changed my payment method to check immediately after I registered with their site. I immediately contacted them through their company site which promises an "8 hour reply tops", nope! I sent the message again with no reply. I called and again, no response. I sent an email with promises of bad publicity & finally received a response. This took over a week. Their response: you selected paypal, contact them & then we can get the funds back & you can have your check in 2-3 weeks. I replied furiously that was unacceptable so i had to open a paypal account to receive my funds which took an additional 3-4 days bc paypal had to verify & receive the monies again from stubhub bc paypal had sent them back. I am still in contact with the "customer service" team trying to get my fees back from stubhub for all the time, effort, delays, and frustration this has caused me. The last email from stubhub said that I had selected paypal & not check (so I'm the liar now) so they will waive my fees next time I sell tickets on their site. I will never use them for anything again in the future & I certainly will not recommend them to anyone. I verified on my account several times that my payment method was check while my tickets were for sale. The very least they should do is refund my fees, which are outrageous. Stubhub does not know the meaning of customer service and I am spreading the word to anyone who even entertains the thought of using them to sell tickets on their site.

Company: Stub Hub
Country: USA
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Refused to respond to my payment being sent to a non-existent paypal account! Delayed my monies by weeks & now refuses to make it right & is calling me a liar! San Francisco
Stubhub is a ripoff

Stub Hub
Horrible Stubhub experience

Stub Hub
Seller Beware!
Consumer Report

Sold paperless tickets on there website (doesn't say i can't anywhere) it cost me $1530.00

Stub Hub
Horrible customer service

Gives poor customer service
The Super Scam

Stub Hub - Tried to sell tickets on StubHub, got charged $275 instead. Sellers Beware