Great American Reader
Fraud Beware


I received a
call from this company even though my number is on the no call list. They
claimed I won a $1000 gift card and all I needed to do is pay for the shipping
and handling. This sounded real as they had all my personal information. I am
disabled on Social security. I take many medications that cause confusion and
disorientation. I do not read magazines yet they claim I ordered over 10
different ones and charged my account $49.90. My wife caught this charge, I
tried to call the company to cancel, did not get an answer, wrote 2 letters,
cancelled the magazines myself, now I am being harassed by a collection company
that is rude. I cannot afford to pay out over $900 for magazines I do not read.
Have reported the incident to my bank and cancelled my card. I feel I was
deceived by the caller whom should not have call my number in the first place. Beware

Company: Great American Reader
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Pompano Beach
Address: PO Box 666840
Phone: 9544147313
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National Magazine Exchange
Charged my card. I canc magazines and they kept billing my card i had to cut off the card and no they call me up to 4 times a day and harrasse me and keep sending magazines that i never ordered

American Magazine Group
Consumer Report

Nationwide Reader Service
Offered magazines for $68.28 (one time) and then they want $1297.32

Great American Readers

United Advantage
Mountain Area Magazines I ordered something over the phone and refused the magazines. I called and argued with them and after several calls was told they would cancel the order. I was charged 4x $39.95 in one month. I can't

Charged credit card and didn't send magazine Vancouve

Americas Choice Readers Service
$1000.00 online gift card? Wondering if Ill get it, had to order 5 Magazines, They took out more than they said

Nss Magazines
NSS Magazines ripped me off by charging for magazines I never ordered, can't reach the company!

Great American Reader
Wont cancel because I passed the 3 days to cancel, but I didn't know I was signed up till 3 months later!

Area Circulation, Inc 1-800-324-9452
Unauthorized credit card purchase of magazines