Ken Nugent
Steven Fair Bomb Deal


In mid June I was on my way to work! I stopped for a train and was rear-ended by lady to distracted to even know traffic aroun the curve was stopped. As I was putting my morning coffee down she slammed into my older model car so hard, she actually pushed my car a couple feet ahead.

I was in shock, she jumped from her SUV phone and lipstick in hand. We dont't need to call police she said, Yes we do I can barely move my neck I told her. To make a long story short, my sister in law picked me up from the hospital and demanded I call Ken Nugent! Big mistake. The Lawyer they assigned to me was below level at best.

I couldn't go to work and was seeing a chiropractor. I had no medical Ins, Lord knows I was doing my best to provide the basics for my babies at that point. The officer that came did not even ask me one question about the accident. I was in the ambulance sitting on side the road. He took the at-fault drivers word and left. I just wanted see a doctor at that point.

The lawyer called me days later and right off the bat told me, we can't your missed work covered. I'm thinking you can't possibly know that already can you? It was downhill from there. He basically told me to get up and go to work. Said he feels the same way as the at-fault drivers ins company does. I was floored and in tear's.

I was confused to who he was working for at that point. He then called the chiropractor and advised him to complete work on me, my case was not serious. What? I cried some more. I still haven't returned to work, I lost everything I did have. I even had to send my 1 yr old away for a few weeks until I could pull my self together.

I still have back pain and spasm to the point, I have to grab hold of something and squeeze through the pain. I have no insurance so the problem is still here. And to put one last nail in the coffin. Mr. Fair fired me as a client because he don't know how to fight for whats right. Thanks Mrs. Sledge for rear-ending me, Thanks to State Farm, Ken Nugent, Steven Fair. God will soon Prevail!

Company: Ken Nugent
Country: USA
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Ken Nugent
Don't use ken nugent hiw lawyers don't care about you

Ken Nugent

Ken nugent
Ken nugent local attorney office wasted two months of my time they collected my information about my car accident I signed papers for them to take over my case now they threw me under the bus now I wi

Omni Insurance
Is the worse insurance company I have ever dealt with In settleing a claim It was their insured fault the police put them at fault I was treated awful I was the injured victim

Farmers Insurance
Refusing to settle personal injury claim for a satisfactory amount

Nugent Brother Roofing
Work done is unacceptable and lies to me about warranty

Terrible company

Allstate Auto Insurance
Misleading settlement deception

Live Nation
Paid for tickets and got nothing!