Scam artist


My husband read an article to me regarding this product on what we thought was a reliable news web site... So we ordered it... We tried it... Sent it back within the specified time frame and now here it is about 2 months later... I JUST SAW A CHARGE FOR 80.00 ON MY ACCOUNT!!! There shouldn't be any charges!!! They did it to my husband the very next day after we'd ordered it and there wasn't supposed to be any charge more than 1.99 shipping. What? How? This is just plain criminal!!! Of course this happened on a week-end so I have to wait til monday to go to the bank and hassle with them!!!

Company: Leanspa
Country: USA
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Do not order

Charged me after I canceled my account with them and have not got a refund

Leanspa.com LeanSpa is a REAL Scam

Consumer Report

I ordered Leanspa Acai March 5 for $4:95 sample to be deliverd within 48hrs - I tried calling leanspa with no response on two separate ocasions for 40 minutes each time my sample has not been receivd

Leanspa LLC
Leanspa LLC: hacked facebook marketing and fake news websites = SCAM

LEANSPA charge review - LeanSpa with ACAI

Unaurothorized charges

Consumer Report

Lean Spa
Rcvd call on cell phone from man stating charges were declined and needed new credit card #. Haven't ordered anything. Called CC's and no charges for this amount. He was fishing to steal my CC #'s!