Sunny Upside Down Table


March 14

Mr. Nikhil behl, ceo
corporate office
665 chestnut street
sf, ca 91433

Dear Mr Nikhil Behl,

I am writing you in hopes that you can please help me as has not.

I am legally disabled, and live on SSDI.

On 12/19, on the basis of the rave reviews and recommendations of other customer testimonials, I purchased a Sunny Upside Down Machine for $150.47, order number 648431, MC card ending in 7005, expiration date 6.

I realize it doesn't sound like a lot of money, but on a small stipend, it's a big investment that I save for, and was greatly looking forward to using! Among other chronic conditions, a bad back is one of them.

I became sick with pneumonia towards the end of December for two months, followed by surgery. A friend was kind enough to take the equipment out of the box, but alas, did not have time to put it together. We would have KNOWN! ALL OF THE HARDWARE (NUTS, BOLTS...) IS THE WRONG SIZE!

Yesterday, finally being well enough, I attempted to put the table together and learned to my dismay, about having all of the wrong size parts!

I sent an email to Mercantila, and received a ticket number 00059621, and called customer service this morning. I was told since I was outside the 30 day contact period, they could nothing. They said they would try to find a phone number for the manufacturer. I asked to speak with a supervisor, and was declined.

I am writing you in hopes that you might be able to please help me acquire the appropriate parts.

It would cost more for restocking fees, return shipment, as well as great physical difficulty for me to repack and get help to transport a box to a sender than I am able.

(I have a 30% scoleosis from birth, and herniated, disintegrating disks in C5 and L 4 - 6. I can supply a letter from my doctor if you need documentation.)

I would truly appreciate your time, help and consideration in this matter.

Best wishes,

Anita Elsbree

907 East Providencia Avenue
Burbank, CA 91501


Country: USA
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