Law & Investigation Department
John Banner Really Mr. Banner?


Mr. John Banner contacted me today and left a message on my answering machine. He claimed that he was from the Law & Investigation Department of the FBI, and that there was a lawsuit being brought against me for a debt I had failed to repay. He said that both my SSN and my home address was under investigation. He said that he could help me settle the issue out of court, but that if I wanted to have a lawyer present, I could.

A friend called him back and tried to fish for more information. The guy tried to say that my friend had a pay day loan on which he had defaulted. When my friend said he had no such loan, the guy corrected and said it was a Credit loan. When my friend said he did not have any such loan, the guy rushed off the phone and hung up.

My friend called back a short while after, posing as a concerned consumer and lead the gentleman on until he had completed his whole spiel, at which point my friend advised him that it was a crime to impersonate a federal officer, and that he would be reporting him to the proper authorities. The guy told him to go ahead and do so, and to not call back.

I want to know how this gentleman is getting our information! I recently went through a hire process for a new company, and I'm concerned that Mr. Banner may be working for the background check company, where he is helping himself to consumers personal information and contacts! Inexcusable!

Company: Law & Investigation Department
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 6464701679
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