Ripped Off


Aromatica has a school on their residential property that they advertise as a retreat style learning centre. The retreat when I was there was a health concern with so many issues it would take pages to list. The owner made it manditory that the students massage him to pass the first modual even after I complained that it was not appropriate. I have read the NHPC code of ethics and it appears his business practices are not in accordance with the manditory code that his students are to adhere to. Jeff Cottam is not a member of the NHPC yet he advertises that his students can join this organization for professional purposes. I complained to him things got worse we were freezing due to lack of heat, extention cords powered out buildings, and my foot went through the floor of our accomadations at his property due to lack of maintanence and mold was a very real issue as well as safe sewage systems working and not repeatively over flowing out of the systems containers. I was told which I have on audio tape for my own purposes that I could return and finish in 2011. But, after my complaints had to go to authorities, I was told not to return if I had these concerns. If I did attend, and if I mentioned my concerns regarding the heath standards I would have to leave the property. Jeff has made no effort to reinburse me even though he broke the contract and appeares to not be practicing within the Canadian Druggless Practitioners legal regulations. I am still waiting for proof of his Doctor`s papers as a Acupunturist that he states he is. I can not say if he isn`t but it has been 6 months since my request. Yes Jeff is an actor, maybe just maybe his school is his stage as well as the communty theatre.

Company: Aromatica
Country: USA
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Aromatica myomassology
Jeff Cottam desperate man. Scam

What a Snow Jo

Aromatica myomassology
Jeff Cottam desperate man. Desperate man tells a desperate tale, the facts speak for themselves. He is not registered with the Canadian association for natural health practitioners. Why. What college of professionals does he be

Jeff Ben Mark from Idonesia also from Nigeria
Consumer Report

Iverson Business School and Court Reporting
Consumer Fraud

Wyotech daytona
Corinthian colleges Misleading representation. No inforcement of code of conduct and proffesionalism

IntelliTec Medical Institute Of Colorado Springs
They promise the world and once they get your money, they don't care about you or your education

ECPI College of Technology
School of Dishone

IntelliTec Medical Institute
Lack of Communication, Consideration and Consistency

Centura College Va Beach
Centura college the scam in the beach