IntelliTec Medical Institute Of Colorado Springs
They promise the world and once they get your money, they don't care about you or your education

Education & Science

I am currently enrolled as a student at Intellitec Medical Institute. We recently got a new Director Of Education. She is changing ABHES (Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools) policy and there is no one who will listen to the students complaints and concerns regarding this. We have a student handbook of policies that ABHES approved. The new Director of Education is changing that to effect our federally recognized holidays. We were told that we will be off for the Martin Luther King Holiday that is scheduled in our handbook. The problem is, the new DOE wants us to come in and make up those 5 hours that we will not be in school for on January 21st.

The bigger problem is that the students there have children and jobs that we have to attend to when we are not in school. My concern is that Intellitec Medical Institute is in breach of their contract to the students. We, the students, can not stay after the 1pm dismissal time because we go to our regularly scheduled jobs. Some of the students have CCAP (childcare assistance program) through the welfare office and they prohibit our children from going to daycare on Fridays because in our contracts we are not supposed to be in school on Fridays.

There's so much more going on at this school, I can not simply remember everything. The teachers at this institution drop like flies. The competant instructors that dedicate their time to the students are starting to become fed up with the school as well. Policy and procedure at this school change so rapidly that it is IMPOSSIBLE to keep up with all of the changes! I am writing this to you because I am fed up. I would like to transfer elsewhere, like PiMA or another medical school, but a lot of my classes won't transfer and all I will get is a certificate and not my associates degree.

A student at the school was told by her lawyer that she has a class action suit on her hands if she wants to pursue it. Students have tried to contact ABHES regarding the issue and they have been no help whatsoever. They've printed off "Complaint Forms" from their website, but I'm pretty sure that they will end up in the trash before the complaints are addressed.

The Director's attitude towards the students is "we have your money and you are stuck here so we don't care about your concerns". I was actually told by my program supervisor that she didn't want to talk to me about anymore problems. Basically we don't have anyone to help us.

The instructors (even the ones who do know what they are teaching about) only care if you pass the test, not if you learn anything. They take this so far as to read the tests to you before you take the test and allow you to write out the questions and answers before test day. I wonder how much I have actually learned and how much my $16,000 degree really means.

Company: IntelliTec Medical Institute Of Colorado Springs
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Colorado Springs
Address: 2345 N Academy Blvd
Phone: 7195967400
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