Max cleanse pro
They are a total ripoff. I ordered a trial period with them and I had cancel within the trial period and they said I didnt and wouldn't give me my money back. I still haven't even gotten my stuff from


They would'nt give me my money back. I had a trial on two products of theirs and I had canceled within the trial period but they say I didnt' and I did I talk to someone and she said it was canceled but they still charged me. Also I still haven't even seen the first batch of my stuff for the trial period and they won't even give me my money back. It states that if we return the uopened product back that we can get a refund well I haven't even gotten my stuff. They are a total ripoff. The only way to request a refund is throug email and they take forever just to email you back. They only offer you a chat session or submit by email.

Company: Max cleanse pro
Country: USA
Phone: 18774598491
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Grant Finder Pro
Took $100 and didnt bother to even tell me about the trial period

Pro Lash
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SFL Nutrition / Acaiberry Ultimate
Trial Period Rip - Off

Nue Science
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Life Fit Labs, LLc
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Natural Green Cleanse
Consumer Report

Scoresense is a scam!
Subscription -

My SmilePro,
Dishonest, Charges even if you cancel within trial! Ripoff

Advanced Wellness Research
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