TPG-Santa Barbara Tax Products Group
Exorbitant fee for deducting tax prep fee from my tax return for Turbo Tax


Nothing. They did not respond to my e-mail of 2/16

Company: TPG-Santa Barbara Tax Products Group
Country: USA
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Turbo Tax
Intuit Company - Maker Of Charges excessive fees for filing AFTER you've paid for the program

Sephora, Santa Barbara, CA
701 Paseo Nuevo Santa Barbara, CA 93101

Northland Group Inc
Santa Barbara Tax Products Group, LLC attempted to "settle" a false tax debt. Said I owed Santa Barbara Tax Products Group $1590 and would settle for $959. I did not even file taxes for that year

Santa Barbaraj Bank & Trust
Intentionally deceives individuals and are not consumer friendly

Santa Barbara Bank And Trust - SBBT
Santa Barbara Bank & Trust SBBT More TAX RipOffs

Santa Barbara Bank And Trust
Doing It Again

Turbo Tax
Ripoff on buying turbo tax program nationwide

Scam i wish i would have checked here first, i lost out on 1800. Because of them

Santa Barbara Tax products Group, LLC
Tax Refund

Barbara Sites
Barbara Sites, Santa Barbara Fraud, Con-Artist