King County CPS Office
Child abuse by CPS Employees


How do I report abuse and child abuse by King county CPS employees and the Federal Way police. I think that this crime started in 2006 but it could have been 2007. The crimes committed against my two sons by Eric Larson, Kelly Ward include willful child endangerment, child abuse (mental, emotional, pyscological and physical) CPS knew that at least one of my son's was severely asthamatic and they took both sons out side with out shoes, coat, hat, and gloves on when the temperature was between 36 and 39 degrees with an 8 mile per hour wind. The wind chill for that is between 29 and 35 degrees. They put them in a cold car and transported them to some people who would not let the older son stay with and comfort the younger son. That is clearly and undeniable child abuse and child endangerment. The Federal way police officers (James Nelson, Kelly Smith, G. Greene and A. Schol) committed the crimes of kidnapping, by handcuffing me in front of my sons, and aiding and abetting in a criminal conspiracy, child abuse (see all crimes above by cps employees), being in possession of a firearm while committing a felony, gave me to hospital staff where I was sexually assaulted by making me take off my clothes and would not return them even after my husband arrived and requested them all because I was asking why the police were killing me and my sons My oldest son was sexually assaulted later by a cps worker named Karen Rall who groped his genitals during a visit to my home the following November so that he would exhibit signs of be sexually abused and cps knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he had not been abused up to that point in time. She took him into the bedroom under the pretense of questioning him and would not let anyone else in. Once there she groped him and threatened him that if he ever told anyone that she would make sure that he would never see me his mother, brother or his father again... Ever. Which implys that he would be sold into slavery but what cps calls adoption, that is also the crime of witness tampering. Eric Larson is also guilty of purgery and falsifing legal documents, as is Karen Rall. I was forced to go to see someone who told me that if I did not divorce my loving husband that I would never get my sons back. That is intimidation, blackmail and extortion. Because they came in with at a minimum of four and I believe six police officers which traumatized my sons and me that qualifies for the term "Domestic Terrorism." my husband I filed a complaint with the ombudsman concerning these crimes commited by cps and the police, and we filed a complaint against the police for the crimes they committed at that time and we were told that they don't investigate complaints against cps or the police. My husband also contacted the state attorney who also denied us justice as well as the washington state patrol. Where can we turn for true justice and get cps out of our lives so that we can be the happy, healthy, safe family it was before the cruel, illegal, and evil invasion of our family

Company: King County CPS Office
Country: USA
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