Teleflora Flowers
Zero stars for teleflora


TELEFLORA Ruined Mothers Day.

Next Time order directly from a florist.
A competent law firm should create class action law suits against TELEFLORA and they would find lots of plaintiffs.
I Ordered a $70 arrangement for Mothers Day Delivery for my 80 year old sweet Mom from my brother and I. We are both fortunate & thankful for having such a wonderful woman we proudly call "Mima".
Received an Order Confirmation from TELEFLORA later that day.
TELEFLORA gave me false sense of security and failed to perform as agreed/confirmed which prevented me from ordering from a capable service and caused me to miss Mothers Day completely. At 1:00 AM on that special day, I received an email from these idiots informing me that they had cancelled my delivery (that included a whopping $24.99 "Service Fee"). They wrote:
"We have cancelled your order and refunded your credit card in full so you will have the opportunity to choose another gift. We know this is a big disappointment and we'd like to try to make it up to you. Next time you place a Teleflora order, please accept a 30% discount with our compliments".

Really!?!?! Really!?!??!

You're kidding!?!? At 1 AM in the morning of Mother's Day? Fat chance! Would I get 60% off if they failed me again for any other day?

Based on the numerous complaints seen here and on it seems like "Failure to perform" is TELEFLORA's Standard Mode of Operation. Never again!

Company: Teleflora Flowers
Country: USA
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