Internal Revenue Services Being screwed by the IRS they are taking 90% of my pay. I hired an attorney had the wages levy lifted then the thieves reinstated it with out cause. Never letting the case settle. WE must abolish the


The Bastards at the IRS are taking 90 % of my pay to pay taxes they claim I owe. Some of which I have proved to be paid. I hired an attorney from California. Close to the IRS office to settle this matter. They lifted athe wage garnishment for approximately 90 days then without notice they froze money in my checking account to a zero balance. They are now taking 90% of my pay each pay period. The attorney I paid good money to talks a good game but after three pay periods I am still having my wages robbed from me. The IRS is no better than thieves in the night. I was informed by another Tax attoreny the IRS could not levy my wages again unlees I failed to make established payments. The case is supposedly close to being settled. But excuses like the entire IRS system is down to I am doing all I can are driving me over the edge. When the Heel did we vote this kind of power to one agency? I am Damn near 60 years old and I have never voted that way. Is there any help in a situation like this? I now understand how people go postal or fly ari planes into IRS buildings. I don't condone it but I totally understand how it can happen. We as the American people must abolish the IRS and go to a Fair Tax Sytem that we pay taxes on what we spend and quuit being punished for working. If any one has the same problems with the over powering of the IRS let's work to correct our Broken System. Robbing money from working people will not pay us out of debt, the IRS and Government must operate the way they exect me to on 10% of my pay. PS you are Guilty until proven innocent and the IRS will not give you a say in the matter.

Company: Irs
Country: USA
State: California
City: Canyon County
Phone: 5802568065
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Roni Lynn Deutch Tax Attorney
Took a retainer of $525.00 to assist in releasing bank levy. Did not respond to IRS until date levy expired. Held retainer for 2 1/2 weeks until levy expired

False promises and mislead representation

Perfect Tax Relief, Inc
Promised to negotiate a settlement with the IRS, but I ended up getting 100% garnishment of my wages for six weeks and my bank account frozen

Pessler And Pressler
Levied property, levied checking account and tried to collect on these debts again

Mary Jane Elliot
Predator RIPOFF

NC Department of Revenue
Abuse of Powe

American Tax Relief
Chris Hannah American Tax Relief a $5,500.00 ripoff! IRS now levying my wages!

Ripoff, Liars, Cheats, Thiefs, BEWARE

JK Harris And company
Taking money from people who dont have it. Then asking for more. Houston

Tax masters
Took my money and extended my tax problems