False promises and mislead representation

Business & Finance


I recent contact effectur and spoke with Jaron. I explanied that I've contacted 5 companys from the 10 I've researched. I explained to him detailed what my needs were. I told him that I've contacted the IRS and they had agreed installment agreement for $505.00 per month but I needed to send them some financial information before it was approved by 27th of Oct. He stated that his company help right away. I told him I had 4 more companies to interview before I made my decision and I would call him back.

I called him back to let him know that I had selected his company because the other companies except for one could not do more what I have already done myself so why would I pay them a fee for something I have already work out with IRS, he agreed. He stated that we will need to get the power attorney turned over quick so they could beginning work for me.

I paid this company $800 and sum dollars with monthly installements of $500 and sum until it was paid in full which would be Feb. 2009. At this time now I have received a levy to garnish my wages. My boss talked with Jaron and he assured him that his company would stop the levy and reach a settlement with the IRS so my boss held the levy for 1 month waiting on their promises. Jaron told me that he would make sure everything would be taking care and told me not reply or send the IRS anything. He stated I need to send all correspondence to him and his company, and I did.

I received a called from an assist to the person who would be handling my case during that period. She told me that I had not file 4 years worth of taxes, I told her this was not true. The bottom line I went back and forth with the assistance and my case worker in reference to find out that they could do what I had already established with IRS installment settlement showing all my financials. THey stated they could not removed the levy unless a settlement was agreed above.

I explained to my case worker which was very nice that I have been mislead on what type service that I was going to be receiving. She said, she would contact Jaron (who would not respond back to my email or call) and her manager, and someone would call me back. I've received one missed phone call on my caller ID with no message, and nothing else.

Why they would be calling my home # versus my cell or work # (which they have been calling all along), I do not know. So I missed by deadline with the IRS, because I was told that they would take of this, and then I received another levy to garnish my wages over $300 and sum per month until it's paid in full.

Thank God that my boss was a witness to my conversation with this guy, because now I'm filing complaint against this company and with my bank to stop all payments. I have now hired a tax attorney, and he has told me that I have been misinformed. He stated that he resolve my tax problem and levy so I'm signing over power attorney. I have talked with clients of his and they had told me same stories I have went through with other Tax Companies, and this attorney has help them resolve their IRS problems.

Please do not use this company false promises by the sales reps. And they cannot deliver.

Company: Effectur
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Greensboro
Address: 3150 N. Elm St. Suite, 102
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Ripoff payed 3.600 year later have levy on me N. Charelston

I hired Effectur to help resolve taxes due the IRS. Once the hefty fee was fully paid, all work stopped, and for months calls/emails were not returned. The CEO now admits clients were "ripped off."

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