Montmorency County CPS
False charges of abuse and neglect, turning our words around made me move out of mine and my boyfriends home and if i didn't she threatened to take my boyfriends kids from him after she took mine from


On 10-6 My 16 yr old daughter didn't get her way so she threw a little fit and called CPS and made a false report. The CPS worker MaelynWeidbrauk has lied from day one. She took all 3 of my kids without a court order signed from the judge. She has put services in our home, the workers told us that we were making progress but she claims they have told her we haven't. The CPS worker sat here at our home and told us she was " Judge, Jury and Executioner" And she has found us both guilty. She told my 16 yr old that it was ok to call me a "c*t" excuse the word. This was said in front of a probation officer, prevention worker from DHS my daughter, my boyfriend and I. Real professional (NOT) My boyfriend and I both are being charged with neglect. My 16 yr old daughter who was 15 at the time had a sexual relationship with a 30 year old man. This guy was a friend of my boyfriends. When we seen he was flirting with my Daughter he was told to leave our house and never come back and my boyfriend ended the friendship right then. We called the Police and made a report right away. We also went to the court house the next day and filed for a PPO order and we served it ourselves. When that PPo order ran out we were right back at the court house filing for another. My Daughters Step Father Knew about the relationship for about a month before we had found out and he said leave them alone they are happy and in love. The prevention worker from DHS told the CPS worker that the step dad was ok about the relationship but he gets patted on the back and is the perfect parent. My 10 yr old son has come to me telling me his Dad is throwing him into dressers, getting kicked and punched by his dad, that his sisters and brother choke him and beat up on him all the time. My son asked me to call the CPS worker so he could tell her what was going on at his dads home but she refused to talk to him because it was 8 pm and she was off work. She went and spoke to him the next day and said he was trying to play his dad and I against each other. A few weeks later my 10 yr old Ran away from his dads house and came to mine telling me his 11 yr old sister punched him in the mouth causing him to bleed but was affraid to wake up his dad because he would get in trouble. Now I have had all my kids taken away and have to have supervised visits. Were not even allowed to text our kids, call our kids, email them or leave a I Love You on face book. We can't even tell our ex's to tell the kids we love them. CPS is so wrong in the way they are handling our case. And if we say anything about what the ex's are allowing the kids to do, the partying, the smoking the weed with the kids, or selling weed all we are doing is slinging mud. This CPS worker knows we are very low income and can't afford a lawyer so we are getting stuck with a court appointed attorney who works for the county so you all know we won't get a fair chance there either.

Company: Montmorency County CPS
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Atlanta
Address: 11636 M32 West PO Box 427
Phone: 9897854128
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