Deceptive advertising of total charge for ecig


On 12/27/10 I read an article online by Consumer Health Reports about E-Cigarettes. At the end of the report there was a "Limited Time Offer For Our Readers" for Direct E-Cig. "You just pay $4.95 to cover shipping costs." I submitted my order at that time, which was for my husband as I am a non-smoker.

I was out of town when the order arrived at my home a few days later. There was nothing on my order receipt or on the packing slip indicating any further costs. The only fee I authorized was the $4.95 for shippping.

Today, Saturday 1/15 there appeared in my online banking statement a charge for $109.90, which was nota uthorized. I will be filinga claimwith the State Attorney General's Office regarding this company as this type of fraud must be stopped!

Company: Directecig
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Naples
Address: 2338 iMMOKALEE rD. #419
Phone: 8882179026
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Very slick advertising got me scammed!
Trial 'Offer' a lot more then just a TRIAL SCAMMED! FL company Ecig

Direct E-Cig Deceptive Advertising, poor customer service, ripoff, small print, false advertising

TCA Fulfillment Services
Denial of rebate won't accept email receipt without packing slip Rebate Ripoff

Direct ECig Given a trial for 4.99 and then charged me for 99.90 for a refill I did not order. Says they email you of the order yet did not. Called to get a refund and they refused to even talk with me

Readi-Set-Go charged & shipped 2 sets of 2 also never provided receipt or pricing for outrageous S&H costs

Teng Qi Shahghai Limited Freight
Consumer Report

Sas - Samurai Shark
Excessive over charge for ordered tools

Line Strategic Marketing Limited - Frontier Pharmacy
Unauthorized charges ripoff

Natural Health Products
Global fulfillment services deceptive advertising on internet no deadline date for refilling order online